Ayo from the moment I woke up, the jinx had be following me. 1) This is the first time I order from this “shanghai” supplier however, “BAD EXPERIENCE!!!” 1ST yesterday I had re-confirm with her that is my freight charge really $120 yet she say yes. So I go make payment by using Western Union and it cost me $20 to make TT. And today when I log in my msn, she say sorry 1 qty of the order is sold out yesterday. F lo!!! You ask me paid you $ yet you sell away my items within a few hour.
Fine, yet she ask me to change color but I told her ” I can’t as it belong to my buyer!” then she say she will give me the sold out item back you know. WEIRD as a minute ago, she say item totally sold out. A minute after she say okay she will included for me.
In the afternoon she told me “sorry I can’t shipped out your items now!” I ask why? She reply says the freight charge is not $120 is $560. F lo!!!! Why is it so expensive, I ask her do she confirm she yes!!!! Now she blame me say I mistake it. Common I got you email for proof ok.
In the end wendy help me call long distant call to settle it. Ask her china friend to transfer for me!
2) Next! I received rejection of my spree thread from SpreeHouse, this is ridiculous! She say reject as got spree-er complaint me that my nameplate pendant is from china yet I claim is Korea!!! Please I don’t even help SpreeHouse member to order before so what proof you have to claim is from China!!! SpreeHouse moderators also SUCK! F Off lo!!! You never investigate and you ban me for nothing. You only listen 1 side story. And I already produce Korea Invoice and yet you say is not proof! Hey! Does the member got proof to say my item is from China then? And why I never help spreehouse to order and why should I proof to you. Even I need o proof also proof to SpreeGalore not SpreeHouse. You’re not fit to check on me. It is obviously SLANDERING ME! When I spree apparel from china I stated from china. What is there a need o hide? I don’t understand! For spree organiser right please boycott SpreeHouse and don't spree there:
http://community.livejournal.com/spreehouse/ DON"T SPREE HERE!!! These is a flity place to spree!!!!
3) My first supplier also email me that the item I had 3 order also sold out! Ayo what the hell is going about. I so lost and stress today.
4) Still have 1 strange spree-er, she comment in m personal lj spree. Can I order from you in private. Okay I give her my email address. She wrote why first time you spree $25 now mark up to $48. F off! Please produce your proof! Then I only reply, please buy from other. I had never spree at $48 before and Bits & Pieces sell $78 - $98. thus I’m selling at $48 and how to get price like $25??? What about freight charge. I scold her like mad kept say her BLIND. Kept email me question which already stated in my spree thread. Now I understand why she say want to order privately. Too bad I already ban you from my lj and blacklist you from my singnet. There is no way you can place order!!!
Thus today is a “VERY LUCKY DAY” for me. I never be as lucky as today!!! So tired!!! Sorry Wendy for dragging you down and make you didn’t do your job. SORRY WENDY! U’R TE BEST!